
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


"This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."
Psalm 34.6

I doubt it that there's no immediate answer to the sound of sincere cry to God! Can God Almighty lie about His promises?


  1. Hey Mrs. Ester
    I can really relate myself with this bible passage because I remember the day that I truly made a decision to never go back to world and to hate everything that the world may offer me, I made this sincere cry out to God, because I didn't want to go back to the world but I wanted to stay in His presence, for as long as he allowed me.
    After that cry out it wasn't easy many fights and temptations but He has helped me every step of the way and here I am still in His presence.

  2. God can never lie but we are the ones who do not ask him sincerely. If God could answer this man in the above verse surely he can answer those who cry unto him day and night.if we do not recieve it is becuase we never asked becuase said in his word ask anything in my Name and it shall be given, God is not a m an to lie

  3. Hi Mrs. Ester

    This passage of the Bible reminds me of the night that I get baptized with the Holy Spirit. That night we were having a vigil at Church and I was fasting and praying to get baptized. But nothing happen. So when I got home I started praying to God that I didn't know what else to do. I was been sincere to God and telling Him that I just wanted to do His will and I put everything in His hands and in that instant I was baptize.
    The point is that God answer my prayer when I start to be sincere to Him and when there was indignation too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Mrs Ester,
    I believe that God is not a man that He should lie, If He answered the poor man in the Bible-then He can answer me as well when I cry out sincerely to Him.Our God is faithful.


  7. when we are truely sincere before God, He hears us immediately. so it is up to us to go before Him with an open and sincere heart and He will answer our prayer/cry out.

  8. God cant lie to his people this passage so real for my life i'm going throw alot in my life but i cried out so God can save me out from my troubles and i know He aready did i trust Him.

  9. Hello Mrs Ester,
    What I've recieved from this message is that I need to continue in trusting in God to take 100% control of my life, because I know that he is able to help me through my trials and daily struggles, no matter how big or small the problem is, he will be always there to guide me. Through this, I have also learnt the importance of being sincere and opening my heart whilst speaking to him. Therefore, as long as we keep asking, seeking and knocking for him he promises that he will reach out to us.

  10. As soon as we take God seriously, when we need Him and cry out,(meaning call His attention in prayer, do something to make His eyes look at us)He will answer. This verse is one of His many promises to do just that. And not only will He hear us and answer but, He will take out ALL our troubles.

    Resuming it all: We cry out to God sincerely
    *He hears our cry out
    *He answers our cry out
    *He takes away everything else that is bothering us

    Great Verse Mrs. Esther, Thank You for that

  11. Being sincere to God and to cry out it can help us to reach for Gods attention. God would see our sencerity and respond to our cries and any hard time that we are going through.Opening our heart and crying out to God we are for sure going to get Gods attention to encounter God's promises in our lives.

  12. WE must do what the poor man did and cry to Jesus instead of telling people our problems because they cannot help us only God has the power to change our situation. Thank you

  13. This passage is very strong. I remembered when we discussed this once and the words to highlight is "CRIED OUT" and I mean when things are going horribly wrong and I mean literally WRONG our tendency is to just cry which involves emotions. I have learnt that emotions alone doesn't bring any results. We truly have to CRY OUT to God rather then use our emotions. When I get those moment, I literally have to remind myself to CRY OUT to God.

  14. when we are intrable and tel god what is trabling us he can answer us nothing is imposible to him becouse he is God,we just have to be sincere to him and let him know every thing that is happening in our life

  15. God said we must come to him whenever we are downcast,weary,in troubles,going through hardships and He will give us rest,meaning we just have to be sincere with him and trust him with all our heart.


  16. Doubts can lead us into destruction we need to believe in God and trust Him if God promise He will surely fulfill for He is not a man to lie. Thank you Mrs Ester for the message of Faith it truly revived me.

  17. Dear Mrs Ester

    I believe God hears our cries, He might not give us the answer we want at that moment, but He does answer. People tend to complain about their circumstances instead of doing what the poor man did “cry out to God”. Sometimes we cry out to people instead of God.

    Thanks Mrs Ester for the message



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