
Friday, March 25, 2011

Married Virgin

"Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth." 
Joel 1.8

Imagine a young virgin married for a long time. Why is she still a virgin? What happened to her husband? Did he travel? Is he distant?

This reflects on the lives of many Christians, for they have not yet had the experience of going on a honeymoon with the Holy Spirit. They're sad, empty, and are clothed in humiliation.


  1. this shows to me that it is not enough to say i am a Christain but nothing shows for it. In life comes a time to ask this question if i am serving a Living God why is my life this way? there lies the answer did you really give your life to God or your just carrying a title.

  2. Everybody has faith, faith to do different things and yes, faith is a very strong weapon no matter how big or small it may be but without the encounter with God, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, what is the point to conquer so many great things? The Spirit of God sustains us no matter what; as Jesus said, 'I am the Living Water'


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