
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This I know

“When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.” Psalm 56:9

What makes the difference in the Christian life is that some KNOW, while others FEEL. David KNEW that the day he cried out to God, his enemies would turn back. Paul KNEW in WHOM he believed…
Unfortunately, the majority prefers to live based on what they FEEL or don’t feel.


  1. Mrs.Ester, this was exactly what I needed to read. Perfect timing. Its very true many people go by feelings rather then assurance..

  2. Mrs. Esther today i had a situation that leaves me empty, and my Pastor wife share this words of your with me and now i can say i know the God i believe in, thank you also from Esther

  3. Hi Mrs.Ester,

    Thank you for this message, yes it's true, majority prefers to live by what they FEEL,that's why many of them are deceived,defeated and suffering. This is not what God wants us to do, He wants us to live by Faith, and KNOW whom we believed.

  4. Hello! Mrs Ester thank you for the inspiring message. I would say that most of the time people who FEEL never conquer anything solid compared to those who KNOW.Hello! Mrs Ester thank you for the inspiring message.


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