
Sunday, May 13, 2012


"Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you."     Psalm 128.1-2
Fear and obedience of His Word are the secret to happiness.
Fear of God is respect, consideration, zeal, reverence and devotion to the Almighty, Eternal and Sovereign Lord God.
This behavior, summed to the practice of His Word, inevitably equals His consideration towards the faithful.


  1. Good evening Mrs Ester

    Without fearing God life has no meaning at all. Knowledge,discernment,righteousness, Holiness and all great qualities of God begins with fearing Him.
    Thank you.......

  2. Good Evening mrs Ester.

    Life is without meaning if the fear of God is not there. All great virtues about God begins with fearing Him.
    Thank you.

  3. Dear Mrs Esther the way fear of God is defined hear it is so powerful.A person who has the fear of God,it is true this person will have all this that is mentioned here and all will be well with this person. Gladys

  4. Fearing of God is more important than everything in life, eg, some people tend to fear people more than God.

  5. hi mrs ester

    thank you for sharing really to fear is to show rispect for that certin person so if i fear God more any anyone the is no way i won't be blessed so in order to please GOD i have to fear him and obey him fully
    thank you


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