
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


"...having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck."      1 Timothy 1.19
Sin brings on a bad conscience. A bad conscience brings on doubt. Doubt neutralizes faith, which brings on death.
Many have had their faith suffer shipwrecks because they rejected a good conscience.
Those who prize their salvation maintain their faith and a good conscience.


  1. asive pukayi

    hi mrs ester

    thank you for sharing ,really if i have bad consience i will not do anything ,a bad consience is the wall that stop me doing samething .and above all if i have bad conscience i can not please GOD
    thank you

  2. Thank you for sharing this Dona! We must hate our sin because our sin is the one that are separating us step by step in the presence of God! Sin also is giving us bad conscience and because of bad conscience we don't have strength to pray anymore and to ask God for forgiveness because the devil is accusing us, it's tied up in Jesus Name!!! We must live in righteousness because God hates unrighteousness!!


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