
Monday, June 18, 2012


"Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.”         Isaiah 51.2
Look to Abraham means to follow his example of faith. He sacrificed his will to do the will of God. This is, his obedience demonstrated his faith.


  1. Thank you Mrs Ester,
    Abraham didn't peform any miracle but yet he's the father of Faith, this is because he obeyd the voice of God and he never doubted His promises. His a perfect example to us

    Its time to climb the mountain!

    God bless
    Rene RSA

  2. Thank you for this Dona! If we want to be blessed like Abraham we must follow what He did and showing love towards God is by sacrificing our own will and to be obedient to Him.

    Janine from Philippines


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