
Monday, July 9, 2012

The teaching

"Let the righteous strike me; it shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; it shall be as excellent oil; let my head not refuse it." Psalm 141.5
When reprimanded, those who are born of the Spirit consider the teaching, learn and give thanks to God. But those who are born of the flesh, the tares, get angry, feel like they have to defend themselves and still hold grudges.


  1. Dear Mrs Ester
    To God we never graduate we always need to learn new things.Sometimes I may think that I know how to do something to find out there is somebody who can do it better than myself. That is why when we are corrected we should thank God for that because how are we going to know if we are still in the right track if we are not been rebuked.Infact a rebuke is a blessing in disguised.Thank you

  2. Hi Mrs Ester,

    Jesus teaches us to be humble. If we cannot take correction from those who can see our faults then we have pride, which is not a fruit of the lord.

    We must always seek to be in spirit and ask God to show us how to change the fault which has been revealed to us. Being rebuked is a blessing because you have an opportunity to change and grow spiritually.

    As children of God we must have good character, so that those that are not saved can see God through us.

    Thank you Mrs Ester for this message.


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