
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


"Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom."
Matthew 25:1

The ten virgens are those washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus. They're travelling towards their Lord, but only half of them actually meet Him. The other half simply stay out.


  1. Dear D. Esther, this message makes us think, because those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb will also stay out of His kingdom. It is what the passage of the 10 virgins shows to us, only five were ready with their lamps filled (covered by the Holy Spirit) and the other five had the same opportunity (heard the same words, they were participating in church meetings), but they much preferred to give attention to what was not good and eternal.

  2. Wow this is very strong because it is not enough to know God but we should be always awake so that we may not run out of the oil which symbolize the spirit of God because when we run of the oil our lamb will be off and we will have to work in the darkness with out seeing where we are going and as fare as i know no one wants to work in the darkness only the devil does.

  3. It is a shame to know that not everyone will be found ready when the Day comes. That is why we should do our best to present ourselves to God in the best way possible.

  4. Many think its an easy journey to follow the Lord because we have to keep ourselves ready at all time so that we do not loose out.
    To just be an assistant, member, youth and come to church does not guarantee us to reach heaven.
    I must be ready and keep my oil/lamp filed up.

  5. This is why it is why it is not enough to only walk with Him, but more importantly we should know Him.

  6. Starting off in the faith, and achieving our salvation is easy. Maintaining it and going all the way until the end is the harder part and that's where many fall behind. It's important that we remain faithful and vigilant, always renewing our strength in the Lord Jesus so that when the time comes, we won't be caught off guard. Thanks for this post Mrs. Ester!

  7. This is very strong.. We need to be washed with this blood everyday..Our lives have to be on watch constantly.

  8. This verse i really strong, i believe that is why its very important to seek for the oil daily to be renewed by God, so that when the time cames my lamp is full. Our lives are constantly in a battle and we need to always be watching, and praying (seeking) for the oil to be renewed.


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