
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Living Waters

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." John 7:38

The belief in Jesus also involves convenant, marriage, unconditional surrender of one's life, in other words, commit to the faith in Him above any circumtances. That is, with material blessings or not. Unfortunately, most of those who say they believe in Him, in truth, only believe in His existence - nothing else. When your belief is sincere, it's like a river that flows living waters.


  1. when we believe in God wholeheartedly,and with sincerity,we are able to overcome anything,through Him who strengthen us.

  2. Our belief in God should be sencire and should not be with doubts but should be with all our heart and soul. Our faith should not be based on words but should have actions too. for God should be part of our lives ,the center the part that without we will never servive

    Thank you


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