
Thursday, August 18, 2011

The way of life

“He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, but he who refuses correction goes astray.” Proverbs 10:17

The Word of God is like a inexhaustible treasure. To practice it everyday is like using a coin from this treasure each day. Life will never end because its Author is eternal.


  1. Amen!this the amazing thing about God that He is eternal and He wants to spend this eternity with Him.

  2. This was something that I have never thought about, but now come to think about it the bible is our way of life and our weapon to overcome anything we are facing. It is exactly the treasure you are talking about, something valuable, that we would never want to leave our sight! This is exactly how it is to us, we use it every day to gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

  3. In all honesty it's hard to keep exactly to God's word every single day without tripping up. We are sinners by nature and we make mistakes even unconsciously.
    That is why we must seek for the Holy Spirit daily because God's Spirit is strength and His strength allows us to see each day from dawn till dusk.

  4. Before I knew God for myself, I always perceived that there were just too much 'rules' for my liking. I had my own idea of how I wanted to live my life and I was not 'up for' doing it any different. This was until I realised that my ways only lead to bad choices and horrible ends.

    I saw that God's instructions are for us to have life and truly be free! I am not ashamed to say that today I live by the instruction of God, it is something I need, daily!

  5. God corrects us because He cares and loves us, so for Him to give instruction is a way to teach us how to live a fulfil life and aviod all distruction. indeed His word is essential to live sometimes harsh but it is to keep us in line.

  6. God not only corrects us when we are wrong but he is also patient with us

  7. its true god does have patiends with us and we have to be faithfull to god

  8. What ever sin you may have committed,if you can humble yourself before him, he will forgive you and correct your ways

  9. many people dont read the bible everyday but as for me i do but its not abnout reading the bible everyday its about doing something for god everyday


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