
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Redeeming Love

"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." Psalm 32:1

Humanly speaking it’s impossible to attain happiness. Family, riches, health, love or professional success don’t help. All this is very important, but not enough. Do you know why? Because these serve the outside. What about the inner man? If it doesn’t have the Spirit of God, surely the exterior will be chaos. Therefore, the Holy Scriptures reveals the secret to happiness. It starts with a conscience washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. I would try to find many things to make me happy, but deep down there was always this empty feeling I just could not shake off.

    Once I had my encounter with God and received his forgiveness, I learnt to depend on Him for everything, internal and external.

    The Holy Spirit is my source of happiness; He is the one that helps me and guides me each day to be a Wife, Servant and Mother. Without Him, I would be without direction and helpless.

  2. When one is led by the spirit things fall into place . You have guidance and wisdom and we need to seek this daily.We know how to tackle all. He gives life no No other and indeed you have anew life that contrast the Old

  3. before receiving my forgiveness from God i would always cry, my life was a total mess i had no direction everything that i did never seemed to work, in my life the was more failure than success. until one day i truely repent i opened by heart and confessed all of my sins before God and that when i received my forgiveness and today all i pray to God is for hi wisdom and a total tranformation in my life


  4. After confessing with my mouth my sins and receiving forgiveness soon after i received the Holy Spirit and that was the happiness i had been searching for all my life it was the true happiness i tell anyone that if they try filling that empty void with things of the world in exchange for happiness it will not last but happiness from the Holy Spirit remains forever, even when your in the worst situation ever and you look to the Holy Spirit He just puts peace and happiness back in our hearts

  5. yes,we should keep the word of GOD as one of the treasure but precious

  6. That Is True Some times we try to replace the Holy Spirit with something else but the thing is that the emptiness of not having the Holy Spirit cannot be removed by anything else but the Holy Spirit for example when a baby is crying for food nothing else can stop the baby from crying except when the baby is feed and you can try everything to stop the baby from crying but it would not work and the same thing goes for the Holy Spirit.

  7. Yes people replace there emptiness with things in the world which makes them thing that is going to make them happy which is not. when you tell god everything that is in your heart and if your being sincere to him he is going to give you the true happiness that you need and its not going to last you for one day its going to last for forever

  8. true happiness is when you find Jesus and have His Spirit live inside of you. only then would you enjoy life as the famous expression goes "enjoy life to the full", that is when your life belong to God anything else is an illusion.

  9. When I came to the Lord Jesus and before I had my first encounter with Him, I felt as though I could not be happy or because I had so many sins I am unable to change. But after I broke down my guard and allowed Him to mould me, He washed me with His love and made me who I am today! Once I realised how forgiving He was, my trust in Him grew daily!

  10. I tried to live a happy life away from the lord Jesus. I even tried some time in church to be happy by my own will alone, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't until I gave it all to him and layed down my own will that I have true inner peace. Everything around me could turn to chaos but inside is a continuous flow of happiness. An everlasting happiness.

  11. to be honest the only way we chrsitians have obtained what we have today happiness and so on is trully because our trangressions are forgiven and our sins are covered by the one and only JESUS CHRIST


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