
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Faith and works

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?" James 2.14

Salvation comes by faith.
But what is the kind of faith that brings salvation and the kind that does not?
Faith that is accompanied by attitudes, actions and sacrifices is the faith that saves. How can a person live by faith in Jesus without having to sacrifice their own will?
But the faith that does not save is like that of the demons. They believe in God, yet they are still demons. See this in James 2.19.


  1. Dear Miss Ester,
    I agree with you Mrs Ester, faith that saves is associated with actions of sacrifice to deny our own will and live under God’s laws as Abraham was justified by works of faith when he offered Isaac on the altar. We that believe should live by this faith for us to saved.
    Thank you Mrs Ester.

  2. Nothing great comes without effort... It is very easy to say that "I have faith in God" but it takes a lot of courage and effort to prove it by works. Every day, I face battles with myself - between my flesh and my mind. I feel pain in my heart for denying my will and my plans but I choose to pay this sacrifice in order to be always pleasing to the Lord and never lose my salvation.

    There are many reasons to doubt if God exist especially in times of unanswered prayers and hardships but this is actually a time for us to materialize our faith in God, then He will manifest His power in our lives. I can not feel God, I can not see God but I believe that He is with me all the time, directing my path towards His promise so there is no reason for me to give-up on my faith.

    Mrs Ester, Thank you.
    God bless!

  3. Dearest Mrs.Ester,
    I agree with you Mrs.Ester,
    Faith without works is dead..
    By Faith and actions we sacrifices our own will..and we follow the will of God..
    Thank you Mrs.Ester!

  4. Very true Mrs Ester if I am unable to do things that faith requires like obedient to the word of God how can I believe in the most precious gift which is salvation.First practice the word of God then the rest.

  5. Dear Mrs Ester,
    Your comments always bring me great peace! Thank you! It is like God is reminding me that He is with me and that He sees my sacrifices. I grew up in a family where encouragement was never given, only criticism. So when I feel God's peace, it is a great assurance for me to keep fighting and not to give up on what I am doing!

  6. For us to conquer our salvation we need faith and works. What's this works? Self denial,sacrifices,prayer,fasting etch. Once someone really wants salvation he/she will fight for the salvation of her soul because she knew that the salvation of her soul is the greatest blessing that she can received.

  7. Hi Mrs Ester! Im very thankful of this powerful christian tool from our Saver, because if I did not have works and attitudes of faith I wouldnt have my salvation today, and If I continue to have faith with works I will maitain my salvation and also progress in my life as a whole... and also contribute in helping others use their faith with action.

  8. Dear Mrs Ester,

    The message to 'act or do' is very clear, God wants to great things in our lives after our salvation. If we are stagnant He is forced to look for someone else to use and our lives will become frustrated (if we give up on physical blessings how will we last until the end and conquer or salvation), our vision will remain small and the testimonies we give will be so small in comparison to what God wants to do in our lives.

    We chose to be children of God, saved or of the devil, our works and faith will show us.

    Thank you for your love for souls, we are blessed.

    Lisa x

  9. Dear Mrs Ester,

    The message to 'act or do' is very clear, God wants to great things in our lives after our salvation. If we are stagnant He is forced to look for someone else to use and our lives will become frustrated (if we give up on physical blessings how will we last until the end and conquer or salvation), our vision will remain small and the testimonies we give will be so small in comparison to what God wants to do in our lives.

    We chose to be children of God, saved or of the devil, our works and faith will show us.

    Thank you for your love for souls, we are blessed.

    Lisa x


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