
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Which is greater?

"Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?" Matthew 23.17

The question of Jesus to the hypocrites of that time serves us well nowadays. The offering is not more important than the One who receives it and sanctifies it. The sacrifice of Isaac, was not more important than the obedience of his father. God sees the faith, the spirit that moves the heart of the offering giver.


  1. iI think it is better to blind than a fool. there is help for the blind however it is very difficult to help a foll

  2. Yes Mrs Ester I totally agree. This is why it is important to always search within yourself and ask the question 'why am I doing this thing'. God is interested about what you do but is more concerned about your reasons behind it. Even if your intentions are not good and you recognise this and ask for God's help to change, He won't hesitate to help you because God loves sincerity.

  3. Good morning Dear Ester,
    Yes, Our Lord, the most High, He sanctifies, we sacrifice. For our sacrifice to be of any use to The Lord, We have to be giving in spirit and in truth as when we pray, we have to pour all our faith, strength, love for God, He has to be first in our life and nothing else above Him, we have to petition Him with our spirit, our Holiness which is all our strength too. We have to make peace, forgive and already be living a life of obedience, not a strange diverted spiritual path that leads to emptiness. Not a pernicious effort but one that comes from a deep gratitude and sincerity. If we look to Abraham, His love of God, His obedience and reverent fear was undoubted, even though he made mistakes, when it came down to the event where he showed his faith and his faith was decided, confirmed by God, with all of this, his heart break and all his love for his son and for God, that is how his sacrifice was made.
    Not half hearted, not with doubt, maybe with grief, but still he was unwavering. An awsome man, and Jesus didn't just jump on the cross, He prepared the followers, did everything necessary to reach that time, prayed til He sweat blood and with all his heart and love of the father and compassion for a world that spat on Him, he went to be tortured and to slowly die for us. We have Him now, and He helps us cleans our hearts and our lives of the world so we do not perish and so we can give a 'good' sacrifice and make the Lord happy with us.
    Our Lord Rocks, doesn't He Dear Ester, He is wonderful and I love Him, Love Him, Love Him, He saved me from my sin and from Hell!
    Have a fantastic week Dear Ester.
    Big Love HelenXXXX

  4. The real sacrifice comes within and not let by others. “in truth and in spirit” there is no point doing something for others to see; in other words to look good in front of others. The real sacrifice starts with sincerity, courage and obedience to the voice of God. Thank you Mrs Esther for sharing with us this wonderful words of wisdom.

  5. Dear Mrs Ester. Thanks Mrs Ester,I totally agree with you,the sacrifice can't be greater than the one who receives it because the one who receives it is the Creator ,he knows if the the sacrice is real or not ,He can not be lied to because he knows everything.Our Faith calls God's attention and makes him the spirit within us because anyone can sacrifice but is not everyone that does it right the way God wants it to be. Samantha Dube

  6. Hi Mrs Esther - this is very true if we are not doing it for the right reason there is no point sacrificing in the first place, as the other ladies have said God knows our true intentions. Let's not do it for show but be true to ourselves knowing God knows our hearts.


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