
Monday, July 16, 2012

Prophetic cry

 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’" Matthew 25.6
The prophetic cry has been echoed around the world. But who will listen? There are virgins waiting for the Bridegroom and virgins corrupting themselves with other boyfriends. Time is near, the faithful virgins know this and are prepared. The unfaithful, however, enjoy life with the delay of the Bridegroom.


  1. Dear Mrs Ester,

    Thank you for this message, this is the time we can not follow the world and be foolish. The virgins are followers of christ, the lamp burning is our word and of course our God is our bridgroom.

    Yes all around the world the message is passed and echoed but not all will listen or hear the correct message. The foolish Virgins hear the word of God but do not live by or understand it, they rely on their own understand, culture, and traditions to back up their version that they want to live by. Hearers of the word only but not doers and that is why they don't produce good fruit, they associate with the church and give offering but they do this to only please man, they contaminate themselves by idolising things of the world and not for glorify God.

    The wise Virgins rely on Gods word seek him and his understanding and put it into practice in thier life, they purify their soul's by obeying the truth through the spirit not by experience. As we listen to God obey his word and laws of righteousness in our hearts he manifest himself to us, an as we keep him as our first love seeking his kingdom we remain in him.

    Faith without works is dead faith
    Works without works is dead faith
    (thank you Tamara)
    Its only when we use both we become wise trust in and obey him so that we can be saved.

    Cyrena xx

  2. Dear Mrs Ester,

    The world convinces people that the time to 'enjoy' themselves is today and to trust in tomorrow and that there will always be another opportunity. Little do they know, or want to know in many cases, that one day there will be no tomorrow and how sorrowful that day will be!

    Thank you for sharing so much with us.

    Lisa, UK


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