
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who wants to drink?

“The poor and needy seek water, but there is none, their tongues fail for thirst. I, the LORD, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them." Isaiah 41.17
The faith that pleases God is the certainty that He will do what He promised and taking action. Unfortunately, most Christians have not seen the manifestation of God's power because they expect to "feel the faith" and only then take action. That is, they want to see in order to believe. So, they cannot take possession of the Biblical promises.
The ancient heroes of faith believedacted out on their belief and then saw the fulfillment of God's Word.


  1. Yes Mrs. Esther I agree with you this is real faith to believe that God will do His part and so you make sure you do your part so you don't miss out. It is not living by what you feel for example I remember times where I cried out for things and after saying amen still didn't believe in my prayer because I didn't "feel" my prayer was accepted but this is a lie and suggestions from the devil! Its faith and action regardless of whether my heart wants to agree with me it has no say because I choose to go by faith in His word and not emotion!
    thank you for posting xxx

  2. Thisbis very true. In order to drink from the living water, we have to act!

  3. I increased my faith, I decreased myself; I surrendered and obey and motivated myself for my want in Him.Although HE knows all about me,I opened my mouth and confessed with a sincere heart.I repented and ask forgiveness.I give Him thanks and praise.I did all to pleased Him.I waited patiently.....HE HEARS me. GOD IS WONDERFUL.

  4. Seeking a feeling from God is really a waste of time. God is a just God and will only respond to our actions. It's soo important to think and reason in all that we do, especially concerning things of faith so we don't deceive ourselves.

  5. Hi Mrs. Ester,

    This is true. Our actions are what will truly prove of our real faith in God, or if we really believe in Him or not: not feeling the faith, but believing and taking action out of it!Thanks for this message Dona, it helps a lot!

    -Jhestine, UCKG Philippines

  6. Good Afternoon Mrs Ester
    If i beieve then i act, it makes sense.
    Thankyou for sharing,it is a help to me.
    Paula,UCKG UK


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