
Monday, September 3, 2012

Your choice

 "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil." Deuteronomy 30.15
Because of free will given to men, God can not make his choices. This responsibility is purely his. But if he wants to live well and to ensure the salvation of his soul, he must heed the Divine advice and practice it. Otherwise, he will live poorly and ensure eternal damnation.


  1. Marie-France(Thônex-Suisse)September 3, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    Notre Dieu est très bon! Plus bon que la bontéde tous les hommes de le terre réunie. Pour le prouver, il ne nous punit pas, ne nous agresse pas, ne nous oblige à faire quoi que ce soit, bref, il nous a même laissé le libre choix de la voie que nous aimerions suivre, mais, ne vous y tromper pas, suivez sans hésitation la voie du Seigneur si vous voulez vivre déjà sur cette terre et évidemment, aspirer à la vie éternelle.

  2. this is so true mrs. Ester the destination of our life is in our own hands we cannot blame God or the devil for the consequences of our actions I was thinking about this today, and sometimes people don't understand this that's why there are people who accept there life as it is and takes whatever life throws at them they do not realise that they have the power to make there life good, when I realised this it changed the way that I lived my life!

  3. The secret is to live according to the word of God, according to God's will and not our own will and everything else will fall into place.

  4. Dear Mrs Ester

    It is true the choices that I make now will be the results of my life tomorrow .

    Thank you for this strong message

  5. Dear Mrs Esther,

    This is so true. we are the ones that decides where we want to spend our eternity. The choice is ours! We are the ones that saves our self by our decision.
    If we want an eternal and abundant life we must put in practice the Word of Our God.

    Thank you for this message

  6. This is the truth because it's what written in the Bible. But a lot of believers like to say, 'God made that happen', 'God did this' and so on and so forth. But what they fail to realise is that they themselves can change their lives and that God never makes evil things happen to us only the devil will do such thing. And unless they realise that nothing will change as they don't follow God's word. Ultimately the destination of our lives is in our hands, it's all up to them to change it and follow the word of God.


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