
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Be like

"BIt is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master."

Matthew 10:25

In order to serve, Jesus had to empty Himself and assume the form of servant. Those who want to follow Him must also empty themselves and humbly assume the form of servants. Otherwise, they'll continue the same kind of life.


  1. I was asking myself just last week what I have to do to grow in His Kingdom and I remembered one of the lessons I received When I was in the Yoth Group - Deny yourself! As the pastor used to say 'you must die'. It was so long ago, but your message reminds me that if I want to serve Him, I cannot serve myself. I have to be humble, submit to authority, empty myself from my will and be a servant. Thank you Mrs Esther

  2. It is very strong, if our Lord had to empty Himself imagine us. We really need to look at His example each and every day and do what we were called for, which is to save. Thank you for this word it really blessed me. Kisses


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