
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He who overcomes

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.” Revelation 21:7

Before God, the one who overcomes is not the one who conquers all kinds of things on this Earth. But he who was saved, is saved and remains saved until death.
This means that it’s not enough to know the Scriptures e to be used by God for a while. He who PERSEVERES IN THE FAITH UNTIL THE END. This is he who overcomes.


  1. Sometimes when we think about overcoming, we think about overcoming our problems. From what I understand about this message, to truly overcome is to keep our salvation no matter what may come our way. A person that keeps away from all the things of this world and focuses on their salvation is someone that is a real overcomer because in the end their reward is priceless, its nothing like what this world gives.

  2. yeah,true winners, true conqueres are the ones that conquer salvation. Nothing that this world has to offer can compare to it.

  3. said... to overcome is not just to conquer or to win over your problems but to overcome is for you to maintain firm, focused and for you to truly hold on to your salvation

    Suraya Dos Santos ( BRIXTON UK)

  4. Marie M (fpk London)August 18, 2011 at 4:30 PM

    I looked up the word conqueror and found three different definitions,

    1) To defeat or subdue by force.

    2. To gain or secure control

    3. To overcome or surmount

    this definition made me think about the word overcome especially the letters in the book of revelatiion that are addressed to the overcomers which for me is another word for conquerors, why because when we overcome/conquer eternal life are we not doing what the above 3 definitions express?

    1)we defeat our flesh/our old life/desires and deside to live a new life in Jesus.

    2) we fight to gain and secure hold of the Holy Spirit with in us

    3)we overcome and surmount the daily battles and enemies of faith continuously!


  5. and truth , good consciousness come by our merit

  6. For me This message was saying yes a lot of people overcomes a lot of different things in life but if they are going through hard times it would matter to them because the are more focuses on their salvation.

  7. When many people think of the word ‘overcoming’ we automatically understand it means to winner or go on till the end of something. But to most people to overcome (win) is mostly for the things of the world, but what they have not yet understood is that a true over comer originates from that which has the Holy Spirit and has their salvation. After this world has nothing for me and I’d rather gain my salvation and lose the world, this is a true over comer.

  8. its true i used to think overcomming was winning but now i know what it really means

  9. Many people come & go, you see even strong members leave the church & your shocked because you see that they were used by God a lot. But reading this message has come to my attention they didn't focus on there salvation, other wise they would be amongst us now.


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